Elite Edge Tutoring
Personalized chemistry tutoring for all ages and experience levels.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I sign up for group tutoring with a friend?
If I buy tutoring hours in a package, do my hours ever expire?
Is the hourly rate the same for one-on-one and group tutoring?
No. Purchased tutoring hours never expire. You can use hours as you need them, or you can schedule all sessions in your package at once as weekly or biweekly tutoring sessions. Hours can be shared among family members.
Group tutoring sessions are a lower hourly rate per student compared to one-on-one tutoring sessions. If you purchase tutoring hours as a package, you will receive a discounted hourly rate.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all tutoring sessions will be virtual until further notice.
Where are in-person tutoring sessions held?
Tutoring sessions can be used to get help on homework, studying for exams/quizzes, preparing for standardized tests, developing study strategies, or reviewing confusing concepts.
What kinds of things can I get help with?
The minimum length of a tutoring session is 1 hour. You may schedule sessions longer than 1 hour if that works best for you.
How long is each tutoring session?
Yes! The only requirement for group tutoring sessions is that you are in the same class/have the same instructor as the other student(s) in your group.